About Broccoli

Broccoli is a cool season crop and demands fertile, rich and well-drained soil to flourish. Broccoli is part of the Cruciferae family along with cabbage, cauliflower and brussel sprouts. Mature plants are about 10 - 25 centimetres wide with a dark green to purple colour flower head. Central thick stalks measure about 15 - 25 centimetres in height.

Both thick stalk and fleshy flower heads are edible.

Consumer Benefits

  • Health benefits for: Bones & joints, brain & nervous system, heart and immune system. 
  • Good source of Vitamin K which is important for growth and healthy bones and Vitamin C which promotes healthy teeth and gums, helps the body absorb iron and promotes would healing. 
  • Also a source of fibre, potassium and folate. 

Our Range

  • Loose
  • Organic


Our simple and quick Broccoli Recipes are proof that eating healthy is a tasty proposition.

Key Growing Seasons:

Lockyer Valley              
Gippsland - Vic