Mulgowie's Whistleblower Policy
Mulgowie Farming Company is committed to the highest standards of legal, ethical and moral behaviour. We will not tolerate unethical, unlawful or undesirable conduct.
This policy outlines our commitment to maintaining an environment in which our employees, contractors, suppliers, or the relatives or dependents of these people, can report, without fear of retaliatory action, concerns about any serious instances of wrongdoing that they believe may be occurring in Mulgowie Farming Company.
Wrongdoing includes any conduct that:
- is dishonest, fraudulent or corrupt,
- is illegal, such as theft, drug sale or use, violence, harassment, criminal damage to property or other breaches of state or federal legislation,
- is unethical, such as dishonestly altering company records or engaging in questionable accounting practices, or wilfully breaching Mulgowie Farming Company’s code of conduct or other ethical statements,
- is potentially damaging or dangerous such as unsafe work practices or substantial wasting of resources,
- may cause financial loss to Mulgowie Farming Company or damage its reputation, or be otherwise detrimental to Mulgowie Farming Company’s interests; or
- involves any other kind of serious impropriety.
Reporting a Matter
Any employee/volunteer/contractor that detects or has reasonable grounds for suspecting wrongdoing is encouraged to raise any concerns with their "Manager" through normal reporting channels.
The Manager must report the allegation to the Executive Manager/Chief Executive Officer (CEO), who is responsible for ensuring the matter is properly dealt with; which may include appointing an external investigator to inquire into the allegations.
Where the whistleblower does not feel comfortable in reporting to their Manager, or where the whistleblower has previously done so and believes no action has been taken, or where the whistleblower wishes to remain anonymous, matters may be reported directly to the Executive Manager/CEO.
Where the whistleblower wishes to remain anonymous, matters can be reported using the online form or via phone by using the Whistleblower Hotline (07) 3436 0916 (Human Resources (HR) Manager)
If a person makes a report of alleged or suspected wrongdoing under this policy, Mulgowie will endeavour to protect that person’s identity from disclosure. Generally, Mulgowie will not disclose the person’s identity unless
• the person making the report consents to the disclosure,
• the disclosure is required or authorised by law, and/or
• the disclosure is necessary to further the investigation.